
Dehinge or not dehinge?

So if you keep up with this little blog of mine you will know that last week I scratched two things off my almost four year old list. Amazing. I know! I am slowly getting things done. It feels like I have been pregnant for the last 3 years and now I can breath and get back to work on this lovely house we call home. The first thing I scratched off the list was removing our ugly storm door and the after shot is amazing. I still cant believe how much better it looks...here is a little picture to remind you!

And....once that was complete I began to spray paint every door knob in the house. They went from this...

To this...

Such a difference! You may not notice them when you walk in the door but I DO! So now the dilemma was figuring out how to make the hinges the similar color without having to take every door in this house off the hinges. I would have also had to recruit my husband to help and sometimes I just like to figure it out on my own and get the "I have an awesome wife" look when he gets home ;)

So I came to the conclusion that I was not going to be able to take the doors of the hinges by myself. So my little brain got to ticking and (BAM!) the idea smacked me right in the face...why not purchase paint that was similar to the color of the door knobs? So that's just what I did! It was extremely hard to find something that was exact but I figured the distanced between the hinge the door knob was enough to where no one would notice (unless you are reading this). So here are the hinges before...

inside hinge before
inside hinge after

outside hinge after (forgot to snap a before)
I was beyond excited that it actually worked. I mean it really worked! Even if you put them side by side you couldn't tell that they were two different colors. I must say that this little DIY project definitely turned out a million times better than I could have ever imagined!

Now onto finishing up Kate's new room! Lets hope the outcome there is just as exciting :)

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