
You say DANCE, I say JUST DANCE!

So here I am, back with the my Friday funny! What makes this one especially funny is that it is my own husband and his buddy breaking it down to the Wii's, Just Dance. So enjoy the dancing!



So if you read my blog, which is about seven people (haha), I posted last week about my how my amazing husband let me get my front load washer and dryer. Well I also posted about their arrival and I couldn't have been happier.

But I did forgot to mention the drama that went a long with it!
We have never had a problem with Lowe's and really this incident wont turn us off, but it was a bit irritating.

On the day of delivery, which I believe was this past Friday, we received our washer and dryer. After the delivery men did their business, I signed the paperwork and they left. No problem. But then as I was walking down into my laundry room I noticed that they were a bit shorter than I remembered in the store. As I continued to observe, I found the problem! They completely forgot to deliver the pedestals. Now I wasn't upset at this point because I know things happen and I still had a washer and dryer that worked.

So I called the store and the problem was fixed. The next day they were back out to deliver and install our pedestals. You say, no problem...ummmm well it turned into a slight problem.

Who knew that with front load washers you have to have shipping bolts in place before even thinking about moving the washer. Well I guess the lovely delivery people at Lowe's completely forgot about that and they continued to turn, flip and do whatever else they needed to do to get the pedestal under it.

Well if you haven't guessed it by now, the washer broke...

Now normally I would not have been so irritated but it had been a few days since I had completed any laundry so it was piling up rather fast. This ended up with another call to Lowe's...so much fun. I figured that hey since they had one in stock they would easily have another. Right? WRONG! It was going to take a few days. Seriously?

As I was staring at my laundry pile in horror...I began to realize that soon every one in the house was going to be out of underwear if this process was going to take any longer.

Well the new washer finally arrived this morning and I am happy to say that no one had to wear any dirty clothes! Although we were about a day away from it :)


Baking for Dummies

As I get further along in my third pregnancy I have been trying to bake more to see how good I was! I mean I can cook all day long but when it came to baking, well lets just say unless it was from the box I was doomed.

For the holidays I made my first homemade pies and cheesecake and I must say the crowd was pleased and this momma couldn't have been happier. And to be honest cooking from scratch usually ends up being less expensive then going to the store to pick up one or ordering a pie from a bakery. Its like they tack on labor charges :) Here is an old pick from Thanksgiving.

My first home-made pies

So as I try to surprise my husband with a wonderful white chocolate peppermint cheesecake, the darn thing cracks. I just cannot seem to make one without that happening. You would think by now I would have found a remedy to the solution, but that would be a big fat...no!! I guess it doesn't really matter what it looks like if it tastes pretty good. I guess my husband will be the judge of that once he gets home from work :)

Look at that crack!

Oh and I have found it almost impossible to get that from-the-bakery-look unless you have every single cooking utensil known to man. But lets just hope it tastes better than it looks.


Welcome Home Mr. and Mrs. Front Loader.

Its time to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Front Loader to the Hart family!!

How did I choose such beauties? Well by all means, read on :)

When it comes to a washer and dryer, I never in my wildest dreams thought that I would be the owner of front loaders. Well today my dreams have come true! They have arrived and it may sound crazy but I cant wait to wash and dry my first load!

When I realized that my dreams were about to come true, I knew that I had to do my research. I had no idea how difficult it would be to choose which style, color, and brand. Who would have thought that in this time you could buy a washer and dryer in practically any color and style you wish. This made the decision process even harder for this lady.

Jeez and I didn't even realize how may brands were out there...Maytag, Whirlpool, Kenmore, Frigidaire, Samsung, etc. It definitely caught me off guard. Well after hours and hours of researching product reviews it came down to two potential winners; Whirlpool and Samsung. And then realizing, once we got to the store, that Lowe's was having a sale on Whirlpool...you can kinda guess which one won that battle!

Oh and back to the color craziness! Again after many hours of thinking it over I just decided to go with white. I mean really, who is going to see them besides me and maybe my husband, if he decided to throw in a helping hand ;) For those who know me and know that I love, love, love color...it was extremely hard to turn down the bright red Samsungs that were proudly on display. But who would have know that adding color also adds $$$!

So now I am just sitting here itching to run down to my laundry room to start a load and guess what...I do not have enough clothes to even make half a load. So I guess I will have to wait a few more days :(


A New "Look" and Bald Babies!

So with the new year comes a new blog design. I seriously have been at this computer, while my babies color, to figure out how I want my blog to look like. You would think this would be an easy task but not so much! It also doesn't help when you have a million different things to choose from!

So here it is...the big reveal! I know, I know...it is so colorful and creative! It pretty much sums up this mommas mood over the past few months. So we will see how long it lasts since I change my mind way too much.

So now that is out of the way I am ready to begin this new year. I have a feeling that 2011 is going to be an amazing year. Our little family will be growing once again within the next few weeks. I am overly excited to meet our new little girl. I am wondering if God will bless us with a child that has some hair, maybe just a little! But I must admit, little bald babies are wicked cute!

So with a new blog "look" and wishing for a hairy baby, well you know what I mean, I hope the new year has started out great for all of you :)

Hey I always have options!