
A New "Look" and Bald Babies!

So with the new year comes a new blog design. I seriously have been at this computer, while my babies color, to figure out how I want my blog to look like. You would think this would be an easy task but not so much! It also doesn't help when you have a million different things to choose from!

So here it is...the big reveal! I know, I know...it is so colorful and creative! It pretty much sums up this mommas mood over the past few months. So we will see how long it lasts since I change my mind way too much.

So now that is out of the way I am ready to begin this new year. I have a feeling that 2011 is going to be an amazing year. Our little family will be growing once again within the next few weeks. I am overly excited to meet our new little girl. I am wondering if God will bless us with a child that has some hair, maybe just a little! But I must admit, little bald babies are wicked cute!

So with a new blog "look" and wishing for a hairy baby, well you know what I mean, I hope the new year has started out great for all of you :)

Hey I always have options!

1 comment:

  1. Have you ever seen my moms baby pictures?
    She had as much hair as you do right now.
    Cute...yes. Creepy...a little.
    Bald babies are precious.
