
Land of the Free...

To look back in the past and see how many Americans fought for our country is absolutely amazing. What amazes me even more is that even today, knowing the sacrifices that one will make, Americans are still signing up to protect the land of the free.

I just want to thank all the men and woman of the past and present who have made sacrifices and still making those sacrifices for this amazing country. You truly are amazing people and this country would be no where without your struggles.

Happy Veterans Day :)


Interstate Massacre!

So once again in the Hart house we are dealing with two sick babies. I swear I am going to go crazy! It seems like when one is finally feeling better the other one becomes sick. It is like a never ending cycle of yuckiness! Lets just hope this momma does not come down with it. Being pregnant and sick is twice the fun. So I am praying that my immune system fights back on this one.

Oh and to make matters worse my son is a nose bleeder...I can thank his daddy for that. So anytime he gets a cold that involves coughing and a runny nose, his nose bleeds. I am not talking about a little bleeding...I am talking about a massive bleed where you would think a massacre took place five minutes before. Oh and the best part is that he freaks and blows out of his mouth and nose. So you ask, "where does it all go?" Yep on the momma! Before I had kids, blood freaked me out. I would gag, throw up, all the drama that comes along with but for some reason with my babies it doesn't bother me at all.

But yesterday tops the charts with cold nose bleeds! I decided to take the sick ones out to the mall to get some Christmas shopping done and eat lunch with a few friends. Mind you I was about to bust at the seams and needed some adult time. So I figured they could relax in the stroller while I shopped. Well they did awesome and Emma even took a nice nap :)

Well on the ride home, going down the interstate, I hear a high pitch scream that nearly made me run off the road. I look in my rear view mirror and all I see is two eyes and a mouth, everything else was a bloody mess. I had to pull off on the side of the interstate and climb in the back. Thank the Lord for black leather seats!!!! It would have been even more of a nightmare back there. Oh and the only thing running through my mind was that we would not get hit! You know you watch those cop shows where a parked car on the side of the interstate always gets hit! Such a great image to have in your mind while dealing with blood! Well we got the bleed under control and we were back on the road. If the neighbors were outside when we got home, I would have loved to have seen their faces. Not only was my son covered in blood but so was this momma. Oh and my brand new shirt was ruined :(

Yes being a woman I worry about my car seats and my shirt. I am sure I am not the only one in that boat!

So needless to say my day of trying to get out of the house started well but ended in a bloody mess. Hopefully this cold and cough will subside and we can get on with our lives and venture outside for some fun.


Cleaning 911...

Cleaning emergency at the Hart house! Look I can clean all day long but at this point with two babies and one in my belly, it is hard to get down and clean the dirty!

I need help and I am not ashamed to admit it. I can surface clean all day long but when it comes to the toilets and whatever else is close to the floor or high up, this momma needs some help.

I just want help about once a month. My house isn't that big or dirty but a deep cleaning once a month would be so awesome!!!

Lets see my wish list:
1. blinds
2. ceiling fans
3. bathrooms
4. cleaning my throughout hardwood floors!
5. and anything else that is slipping my mind at the moment!

Not too much :) Once this baby is out, this momma can get back to the dirty cleaning. But until then it would be nice to have someone to help me out.

If anyone has any referrals, please let me know!


Bring on the Natural!

I took a look in the mirror this morning and to my delight I noticed that my hair color is actually my natural color. Now you may be asking, "Ummmm, why would that be a big deal?" Well if you have known me since I was about, lets say, 14...I have colored my hair! And when I say color my hair, I mean every color in the book...blond, red, brown, black, and oh I even had an orange highlight at one point. Jeez when I look back at it all I am surprised that I even have hair left on my head. Although many times I have come close to losing some if not most of it!

I never thought that my natural color was pretty but you know what, I like it! Now I cant say for sure how long this new found naturalness (even a word?) will last but for now I am happy with my shiny, healthy hair. For those who know me, you are probably betting within yourselves, which if I was on the other side, I would too! I love trying new things so keeping the natural color will definitely be a challenge but I am up for it!

Until next time...