
Cleaning 911...

Cleaning emergency at the Hart house! Look I can clean all day long but at this point with two babies and one in my belly, it is hard to get down and clean the dirty!

I need help and I am not ashamed to admit it. I can surface clean all day long but when it comes to the toilets and whatever else is close to the floor or high up, this momma needs some help.

I just want help about once a month. My house isn't that big or dirty but a deep cleaning once a month would be so awesome!!!

Lets see my wish list:
1. blinds
2. ceiling fans
3. bathrooms
4. cleaning my throughout hardwood floors!
5. and anything else that is slipping my mind at the moment!

Not too much :) Once this baby is out, this momma can get back to the dirty cleaning. But until then it would be nice to have someone to help me out.

If anyone has any referrals, please let me know!

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