
Victory is Ours!

As I woke up this morning I took the dreaded walk into my sons bedroom to check his temperature and give him his medicine. As I put the thermometer in his mouth, I began to prepare his Motrin. As always every time I hear the timer go off on the thermometer I pray for something at least a 100 or below.

Well I must say to my surprise, my little man had no temperature! Two weeks in a row of having at least one sick baby is enough to drive any momma crazy. Oh and let me just tell you, I was a few days away from the loony bin!

I missed hearing my babies play together! As I write this I can hear laughing and screaming and it just makes me smile. This house has been too quiet for too long! I never thought I would say that but it is true. It just warms my heart :)

I just had to share this victory over this sickness to everyone! This house is in celebration mode. Come join the party!

1 comment:

  1. So glad your babies are feeling better. A little noise is better than a sick child any day.
