
Deck the Harts

I cannot begin to describe how amazing it feels to finally be done with school. Not only can I be home with my babies, but I can get back to my house! I can't wait to get started on my list but most of that will have to wait until after the new year. Christmas is a lot on its own to handle.

I know I am a bit late but here is a December decorating post! There is a bit of everything on here :)

So right at the beginning of December I decided that I wanted to make some of my own Christmas decorations to save money and it was a success! Here are some of my creations...

With a glue gun, one can make anything!

finished product...

I made a smaller one as well with green and white striped ribbon but for some reason I forgot to take a picture of that one. It turned out just as good as the one above.

Now on to the next project...

So I originally was going to make a wreath with these cinnamon sticks but decided against it. Since they were just laying around I decided to make some candle holders. I saved two picante sauce jars (why I have no clue) but they definitely came in handy. 

Once I hot glued them on the jar it felt like they were missing something....

Ahhhh....thats much better! I have learned to save wreaths from previous years because they can always be used for something on down the road. I made two of these and when a candle is lit up in there, it looks so pretty. 

Here is another reason to save wreaths!

I used this one for the centerpiece on my coffee table. Oh and there is one plus to having pine trees in the backyard....there are PINECONES every where! Another penny saved.

Here are a few more pictures of the inside my home.

I ended up putting the green and white striped ribbon around the sticks to pull the room together.

There are my two jars all decorated with a few reindeer.

 Oh and on a side note - see that green lantern thingy to the right? Yea that was my best find at Pier One ever! That baby was marked down from $65 to $15. I know right? Amazing! Ok back to the pictures...

Here are some pictures of my outside. I think less is more when it comes to decorating outside. I get that from my momma. These trees are on their third year and they are still going strong!

Here is my wreath on my front door. I used this wreath last year and I loved it so much, I decided to use it again. I added a new touch this year with the little silver "H." I got that little letter from Target for about $.50 on sale. You can't see it from the street but when you come up to the door it shines!

Oh and lets not forget the  most important decoration of all...

The Hart family Christmas tree.

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