
To Totes or Not to Totes?

Do you think our society is one that craves an easier way? I believe that we are. We are always trying to find the short cut or inventing something to make life easier than it already is.

Shopping at the outlets yesterday with my Nana prompted an interesting topic. Why not have the walking escalators, like ones they have in airports, instead of having a sidewalk. Let me tell you how much easier that would be. Just hop on and hop off when you want to go to a certain store. Come on! How freaking awesome would that be? Now I would pay more attention to the Senate and House if they were voting on an important topic as such! I know, I know, redonkculous you say? Ummm...I think not! Are you crazy? Could you just imagine how easy that would be? Answer me this: have you been to the outlets lately? They added on an entire new part, that's a lot of walking people. I should know, did it yesterday!

So if you think that was redunkculous, just wait until you hear this! OK the only bad part about telling you this, is that I have to admit to just one little flaw that I have. I like to watch The Hills on MTV. Reality show at its best. God says don't judge. Anyway back to my story. As I was watching two skinny blondes, lets see if you can guess which ones (yea that was supposed to be sarcastic because they all are skinny and blonde, well except for Audrina, but that's a different topic, different blog...oh wait parentheses are supposed to be short..hehe), were having a conversation and the word totes was used. She abbreviated totally to...totes! Yes, you saw correctly, I did not make a mistake. I could not believe it. So just imagine me saying it in a valley girl way...totes! Ahh love it, laziness at its best. Lets totes take a vacay! hahahaha! And I am out!

"She totes did not say that"
"She totes did"
" I totes need a vacay!"

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