I must spill the beans on a recent amazing purchase from Craigslist. I am telling you, if you have never even thought about craigslist then you are missing out on an amazing website. First if you are reading and you ask, "What is Craigslist," well I am here to fill you!
Craigslist is a website where people from all over the United States sell their used personal items, such as strollers, clothes, toys, etc... When you go to the website just click on your city and then search your desired item and then poof, all the locals that are selling that specific item pop up!
I have bought and sold things on craigslist before but my purchase yesterday just sealed the deal! I have been searching for a side-by-side double stroller for forever! I have been stalking the craiglist double stroller section for a few months and yesterday I came upon a jewel amongst the rubble, a barely used peg-perego twin stroller! Of those who know a thing or two about strollers, you know this brand is top of the line and extremely expensive. We would have had to put a second mortgage down on the house to afford a brand new one!
Well I must say I am like a five year old at Christmas. I just cant wait to test it out! I think a trip to Target and Lowes will have to be on the agenda today just for the heck of it!
Here is a link to a brand new one! And mind you the price online is considered a sale price! Crazy I know. Oh and did I mentioned I scored this pretty for only $60! I know its okay, you can be jealous :)
Good for you ! It pays to shop around , you are a smart girl :) ~ hugz