It seems like the possibilities are endless when it comes to crafts, especially Christmas themed crafts. My mother was a very crafty woman. Well I am guessing that that gene skipped a generation because this momma has not one ounce of craft ability! Thank goodness my son goes to school where he can get that out of his system. I mean I love to read, color, and draw with my babies but when it comes to actually building or making something, I am clueless. The best thing I can come up with is grabbing a pine cone out of the backyard, drizzling it with glue and then sprinkling it with glitter. Seriously how many times has that been done!
Oh man and when you type Christmas crafts into Google the options are too overwhelming for this momma. So basically what I am saying is that I am a horrible craft person and need some serious now!
Now that Ty is four I want to start some type of tradition for the entire family to enjoy each year. There are so many choices, how does one momma choose! Ginger bread houses, ginger bread men, ornaments, homemade cards, and list goes on and on. We already have our Christmas Eve Polar Express tradition but I was thinking about adding something a little extra.
I know there are some crafty moms out there that can help this no crafting momma!
Land of the Free...

To look back in the past and see how many Americans fought for our country is absolutely amazing. What amazes me even more is that even today, knowing the sacrifices that one will make, Americans are still signing up to protect the land of the free.
I just want to thank all the men and woman of the past and present who have made sacrifices and still making those sacrifices for this amazing country. You truly are amazing people and this country would be no where without your struggles.
Happy Veterans Day :)
Interstate Massacre!
So once again in the Hart house we are dealing with two sick babies. I swear I am going to go crazy! It seems like when one is finally feeling better the other one becomes sick. It is like a never ending cycle of yuckiness! Lets just hope this momma does not come down with it. Being pregnant and sick is twice the fun. So I am praying that my immune system fights back on this one.
Oh and to make matters worse my son is a nose bleeder...I can thank his daddy for that. So anytime he gets a cold that involves coughing and a runny nose, his nose bleeds. I am not talking about a little bleeding...I am talking about a massive bleed where you would think a massacre took place five minutes before. Oh and the best part is that he freaks and blows out of his mouth and nose. So you ask, "where does it all go?" Yep on the momma! Before I had kids, blood freaked me out. I would gag, throw up, all the drama that comes along with but for some reason with my babies it doesn't bother me at all.
But yesterday tops the charts with cold nose bleeds! I decided to take the sick ones out to the mall to get some Christmas shopping done and eat lunch with a few friends. Mind you I was about to bust at the seams and needed some adult time. So I figured they could relax in the stroller while I shopped. Well they did awesome and Emma even took a nice nap :)
Well on the ride home, going down the interstate, I hear a high pitch scream that nearly made me run off the road. I look in my rear view mirror and all I see is two eyes and a mouth, everything else was a bloody mess. I had to pull off on the side of the interstate and climb in the back. Thank the Lord for black leather seats!!!! It would have been even more of a nightmare back there. Oh and the only thing running through my mind was that we would not get hit! You know you watch those cop shows where a parked car on the side of the interstate always gets hit! Such a great image to have in your mind while dealing with blood! Well we got the bleed under control and we were back on the road. If the neighbors were outside when we got home, I would have loved to have seen their faces. Not only was my son covered in blood but so was this momma. Oh and my brand new shirt was ruined :(
Yes being a woman I worry about my car seats and my shirt. I am sure I am not the only one in that boat!
So needless to say my day of trying to get out of the house started well but ended in a bloody mess. Hopefully this cold and cough will subside and we can get on with our lives and venture outside for some fun.
Oh and to make matters worse my son is a nose bleeder...I can thank his daddy for that. So anytime he gets a cold that involves coughing and a runny nose, his nose bleeds. I am not talking about a little bleeding...I am talking about a massive bleed where you would think a massacre took place five minutes before. Oh and the best part is that he freaks and blows out of his mouth and nose. So you ask, "where does it all go?" Yep on the momma! Before I had kids, blood freaked me out. I would gag, throw up, all the drama that comes along with but for some reason with my babies it doesn't bother me at all.
But yesterday tops the charts with cold nose bleeds! I decided to take the sick ones out to the mall to get some Christmas shopping done and eat lunch with a few friends. Mind you I was about to bust at the seams and needed some adult time. So I figured they could relax in the stroller while I shopped. Well they did awesome and Emma even took a nice nap :)
Well on the ride home, going down the interstate, I hear a high pitch scream that nearly made me run off the road. I look in my rear view mirror and all I see is two eyes and a mouth, everything else was a bloody mess. I had to pull off on the side of the interstate and climb in the back. Thank the Lord for black leather seats!!!! It would have been even more of a nightmare back there. Oh and the only thing running through my mind was that we would not get hit! You know you watch those cop shows where a parked car on the side of the interstate always gets hit! Such a great image to have in your mind while dealing with blood! Well we got the bleed under control and we were back on the road. If the neighbors were outside when we got home, I would have loved to have seen their faces. Not only was my son covered in blood but so was this momma. Oh and my brand new shirt was ruined :(
Yes being a woman I worry about my car seats and my shirt. I am sure I am not the only one in that boat!
So needless to say my day of trying to get out of the house started well but ended in a bloody mess. Hopefully this cold and cough will subside and we can get on with our lives and venture outside for some fun.
Cleaning 911...
Cleaning emergency at the Hart house! Look I can clean all day long but at this point with two babies and one in my belly, it is hard to get down and clean the dirty!
I need help and I am not ashamed to admit it. I can surface clean all day long but when it comes to the toilets and whatever else is close to the floor or high up, this momma needs some help.
I just want help about once a month. My house isn't that big or dirty but a deep cleaning once a month would be so awesome!!!
Lets see my wish list:
1. blinds
2. ceiling fans
3. bathrooms
4. cleaning my throughout hardwood floors!
5. and anything else that is slipping my mind at the moment!
Not too much :) Once this baby is out, this momma can get back to the dirty cleaning. But until then it would be nice to have someone to help me out.
If anyone has any referrals, please let me know!
I need help and I am not ashamed to admit it. I can surface clean all day long but when it comes to the toilets and whatever else is close to the floor or high up, this momma needs some help.
I just want help about once a month. My house isn't that big or dirty but a deep cleaning once a month would be so awesome!!!
Lets see my wish list:
1. blinds
2. ceiling fans
3. bathrooms
4. cleaning my throughout hardwood floors!
5. and anything else that is slipping my mind at the moment!
Not too much :) Once this baby is out, this momma can get back to the dirty cleaning. But until then it would be nice to have someone to help me out.
If anyone has any referrals, please let me know!
Bring on the Natural!
I took a look in the mirror this morning and to my delight I noticed that my hair color is actually my natural color. Now you may be asking, "Ummmm, why would that be a big deal?" Well if you have known me since I was about, lets say, 14...I have colored my hair! And when I say color my hair, I mean every color in the book...blond, red, brown, black, and oh I even had an orange highlight at one point. Jeez when I look back at it all I am surprised that I even have hair left on my head. Although many times I have come close to losing some if not most of it!
I never thought that my natural color was pretty but you know what, I like it! Now I cant say for sure how long this new found naturalness (even a word?) will last but for now I am happy with my shiny, healthy hair. For those who know me, you are probably betting within yourselves, which if I was on the other side, I would too! I love trying new things so keeping the natural color will definitely be a challenge but I am up for it!
Until next time...
I never thought that my natural color was pretty but you know what, I like it! Now I cant say for sure how long this new found naturalness (even a word?) will last but for now I am happy with my shiny, healthy hair. For those who know me, you are probably betting within yourselves, which if I was on the other side, I would too! I love trying new things so keeping the natural color will definitely be a challenge but I am up for it!
Until next time...
Happy Halloween!

I still cannot believe that tomorrow starts the month of November. Where does the time go? My Nana always used to tell me that the older you get, the faster time flies. Well I am beginning to agree! To watch both of my babies trunk or treat tonight was amazing. I still cannot believe that my little man is four and Emma is almost two. It just doesn't seem real!
Before we know it, it will be Thanksgiving and then Christmas! Hope everyone had a fun and safe night...see you all in November!
The Pumpkin Massacre
So I have come to the conclusion that a steak knife and a pumpkin do not mix. Every year I put up a fight with my husband on buying that stupid pumpkin carving kit. Well I guess he was...right. Oh man did those words just really come out of my mouth? Geez...
Well anyway I had the cutest idea to carve "THE HARTS" into our pumpkin this year. I was super excited and couldn't wait to get started. Well that excitement quickly faded when I realized that I had bought the thickest pumpkin in the Hampton Roads area and I only a steak knife to work with! Just trying to carve the top took me about 30 minutes. I know, its crazy!
Oh and I forgot to mention that it was the most perfect shaped pumpkin. It is a shame that it ended up in the trash :(
Well anyway I had the cutest idea to carve "THE HARTS" into our pumpkin this year. I was super excited and couldn't wait to get started. Well that excitement quickly faded when I realized that I had bought the thickest pumpkin in the Hampton Roads area and I only a steak knife to work with! Just trying to carve the top took me about 30 minutes. I know, its crazy!
Oh and I forgot to mention that it was the most perfect shaped pumpkin. It is a shame that it ended up in the trash :(
Well I got past that part and moved on to the actual carving of our family name. Why oh why would I even continue after it took me 30 minutes to carve the top?!?! But I had to! I mean I had the cutest idea and of course I wanted to blog about how wonderful my family name pumpkin turned out. HA! Boy was I completely wrong!
Instead of telling you, I will let the picture explain it all...
The pumpkin + a steak knife = a massacre
Pregnant Card Pulled!

Ummmm so I have a confession to make. I am seriously addicted to...Chick Fil A's chicken caesar wrap. When I say addicted, I really mean addicted. Four days in a row, seriously four days in a row! I so must be pregnant and going through a craving because as I am typing this I am already planning my trip tomorrow.
I mean come on! Did they just to decide four days ago to add a different ingredient? That has to be the answer. I mean why else would I crave another one just a few short hours after already eating one? Well lets count the reasons why this certain wrap is so darn delicious:
1. Ummm its so darn delicious
2. Well lets see, oh yea its delicious!
3. They have amazing caesar dressing :)
So I guess in some twisted way I am justifying my addiction and that's perfectly fine with me. I will pull the pregnant card out on this one folks!
Whose Grass is Greener?
I come. I go. I come. I go! Lord this momma cannot make up her mind! The past eight weeks have been a roller coaster on steroids! Trying to student teach and take care of my babies and myself was no fun at all. I am so glad that it is over. I truly believe that God intended for me to be a stay at home mommy. I do admit that I have taken it for granted in the past, but no longer!
I have seen that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. My yard looks pretty darn green and I am thankful beyond words. Having to wake up at the crack of dawn, rush myself and my babies out the door just to drop them off at a babysitter was a killer. Oh then I would rush to pick them up, cook dinner, bathe the dirty ones, and then sweep them of to bed. Where did the time go where I could sit with my son and play "bad guys" or watch my daughter brush her pony's hair? It was gone.
But now it is back and my heart is smiling once more! Being able to wake up and make pancakes and eggs for my little loves makes my day. You may still hear me complain every once in a while, but really....who doesn't?
I am so thankful for having a man who can support our entire family, especially in this world's economy. God has truly blessed my family and I couldn't be happier :)
I have seen that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. My yard looks pretty darn green and I am thankful beyond words. Having to wake up at the crack of dawn, rush myself and my babies out the door just to drop them off at a babysitter was a killer. Oh then I would rush to pick them up, cook dinner, bathe the dirty ones, and then sweep them of to bed. Where did the time go where I could sit with my son and play "bad guys" or watch my daughter brush her pony's hair? It was gone.
But now it is back and my heart is smiling once more! Being able to wake up and make pancakes and eggs for my little loves makes my day. You may still hear me complain every once in a while, but really....who doesn't?
I am so thankful for having a man who can support our entire family, especially in this world's economy. God has truly blessed my family and I couldn't be happier :)
Eye of the Tiger!
Ok so I was with a few of my girlfriends today for lunch and a play date and for some reason we were talking about commercials. Well I was told to check out the commercial for Nolan's Cheddar. This commercial was aired in England so of course we know that it has to be hilarious! Here it is...don't worry the ending is fantabulous :)
Victory is Ours!
As I woke up this morning I took the dreaded walk into my sons bedroom to check his temperature and give him his medicine. As I put the thermometer in his mouth, I began to prepare his Motrin. As always every time I hear the timer go off on the thermometer I pray for something at least a 100 or below.
Well I must say to my surprise, my little man had no temperature! Two weeks in a row of having at least one sick baby is enough to drive any momma crazy. Oh and let me just tell you, I was a few days away from the loony bin!
I missed hearing my babies play together! As I write this I can hear laughing and screaming and it just makes me smile. This house has been too quiet for too long! I never thought I would say that but it is true. It just warms my heart :)
I just had to share this victory over this sickness to everyone! This house is in celebration mode. Come join the party!
Well I must say to my surprise, my little man had no temperature! Two weeks in a row of having at least one sick baby is enough to drive any momma crazy. Oh and let me just tell you, I was a few days away from the loony bin!
I missed hearing my babies play together! As I write this I can hear laughing and screaming and it just makes me smile. This house has been too quiet for too long! I never thought I would say that but it is true. It just warms my heart :)
I just had to share this victory over this sickness to everyone! This house is in celebration mode. Come join the party!
Warning: Enter at your own risk...
Warning: Pity party ahead. Enter at your own risk.
I just am tired of going to sleep in an empty bed.
I am also tired of waking up and rolling over to just another pillow.
When I sit at the dinner table I want to be able to play footsie with the man I love.
I want to hold his hand or rub the back of his neck when we are in the car.
When I start to act like a crazy woman, I want my rock there to tell me that everything is going to be just fine.
I haven't been this emotional since right after my love left. I do not know if it is because I am housing a little one inside me or if I am just physically and emotionally drained from having our family be apart. Whatever it is, it needs to crawl back down deep inside to where it came from.
I just want my family to be together again...
I just am tired of going to sleep in an empty bed.
I am also tired of waking up and rolling over to just another pillow.
When I sit at the dinner table I want to be able to play footsie with the man I love.
I want to hold his hand or rub the back of his neck when we are in the car.
When I start to act like a crazy woman, I want my rock there to tell me that everything is going to be just fine.
I haven't been this emotional since right after my love left. I do not know if it is because I am housing a little one inside me or if I am just physically and emotionally drained from having our family be apart. Whatever it is, it needs to crawl back down deep inside to where it came from.
I just want my family to be together again...
"The Gym"
I do not know what took me so long to take Ty to The Little Gym. I have heard people talk about this place and was never really interested. Well a few weeks ago I decided to try it out. Oh my goodness! This place is so amazing and the people that work there are so friendly and know you by name just after one visit.
SO I decided to enroll Ty for a few weeks of camp before the school season starts. He wakes up every morning looking forward to going, comes home ready to take a nap and then goes to bed with no problem because he knows when he wakes up he is going to go play with his friends at "The Gym."
Oh and they also have classes for toddlers, such as Emma and babies as well! I recommend this place to any parent that has any age kid!
Party at the ER :)
What a crazy crazy weekend this has been! Why does everything seem to happen when Anthony is gone. Oh well, this tough momma can handle them :) So to begin this blog off right I will show you a pic of where Emma and I stayed most of Friday evening...

My poor baby girl was not feeling good at all. It all started Thursday morning when she woke up screaming with a temp of about 103. So I gave her meds and it quickly came down. Well Thursday evening it spiked again so I decided that if it wasn't gone by Friday we were going to the ER. Well Friday morning she seemed her normal self and she had a slight fever. Well after nap time she was back to her lethargic, sick self and her temp was 104.5! I have never seen a temp that high before so I rushed her to the ER just to make sure everything was okay.
I think they did every test possible to figure out what was wrong with her. She was such a trooper during the entire thing. Most of the time she just layed there.
But after a bag of fluids and some more Motrin she was a happy camper once again!

Her blood work came back normal and her ears and mouth looked great. Just a little viral infection. She is still not feeling too hot and with a throwing up incident yesterday, I am guessing she probably has a stomach thingy as well :(
I could not ask for a better sick baby. She is so calm, unlike another child in the Hart family, but I wont mention any names ;)
My poor baby girl was not feeling good at all. It all started Thursday morning when she woke up screaming with a temp of about 103. So I gave her meds and it quickly came down. Well Thursday evening it spiked again so I decided that if it wasn't gone by Friday we were going to the ER. Well Friday morning she seemed her normal self and she had a slight fever. Well after nap time she was back to her lethargic, sick self and her temp was 104.5! I have never seen a temp that high before so I rushed her to the ER just to make sure everything was okay.
I think they did every test possible to figure out what was wrong with her. She was such a trooper during the entire thing. Most of the time she just layed there.
But after a bag of fluids and some more Motrin she was a happy camper once again!
Her blood work came back normal and her ears and mouth looked great. Just a little viral infection. She is still not feeling too hot and with a throwing up incident yesterday, I am guessing she probably has a stomach thingy as well :(
I could not ask for a better sick baby. She is so calm, unlike another child in the Hart family, but I wont mention any names ;)
Beef Daube Provencal, say what?
Throwing a dinner party soon for family or friends? Well I have a "home run" meal that will be sure to knock the socks off your guests. Beef Daube Provencal, which means beef stew in wine, was such an amazing hit at my dinner table last evening. I have made your typical beef with veggies soup before but I wanted to try something a little bit harder. Well this was definitely a bit harder! I stressed all day in hopes that it would be this amazing masterpiece! I did not want to order pizzas!!
So it all comes down to that first bite, which by the way is never me! That first taste says it all. Did I hit it out of the park or not? Oh boy did I!! I must say that the hardest food critic in my family would be my father and I got the thumbs up approval! I couldn't ask for more :)
Here is the recipe, which is out of the amazing 2008 Cooking Light book:
2 teaspoon olive oil
12 garlic cloves, crushed
2 pounds of boneless church roast ( cut into 2-inch cubes)
1 1/2 teaspoon salt, divided
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 cup of red wine ( I used cooking red wine)
2 cups chopped carrot
1 1/2 cups chopping onion
1/2 beef broth (less fat)
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 teaspoon chopped rosemary
1 teaspoon chopped thyme
dash of ground cloves
2 can diced tomatoes, undrained
1 bay leaf (didn't use it)
egg noodles
1. Preheat oven 350 (I used a crock pot)
2. Heat oil in pan and add garlic, cook for 5 minutes
3. Remove garlic from pan and increase heat
4. Add beef to the pan and season with salt and pepper and cook until brown on sides
5. Remove beef from pan and then add the wine to the pan and bring to boil
6. Scrape pan to remove browned bits and then add garlic, beef, salt, pepper, carrot, and next 8 ingredients and bring to boil.
7. If you choose to bake then bake at 300 for 2 1/2 hours or until beef is tender.
8. If using crock pot put everything that is in the pan into the slow cooker and cook for however long you want. The longer you cook, the tender the meat. I cooked mine on high for 3 hours and then on low for another 3. The book says that you can cook it on high for 5 hours and it will be complete!
Serve over cooked egg noodles and enjoy!

I hope you guys love this recipe as much as my family and I did. It will definitely be made over and over again in the Hart house! Love you all :)
So it all comes down to that first bite, which by the way is never me! That first taste says it all. Did I hit it out of the park or not? Oh boy did I!! I must say that the hardest food critic in my family would be my father and I got the thumbs up approval! I couldn't ask for more :)
Here is the recipe, which is out of the amazing 2008 Cooking Light book:
2 teaspoon olive oil
12 garlic cloves, crushed
2 pounds of boneless church roast ( cut into 2-inch cubes)
1 1/2 teaspoon salt, divided
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1 cup of red wine ( I used cooking red wine)
2 cups chopped carrot
1 1/2 cups chopping onion
1/2 beef broth (less fat)
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 teaspoon chopped rosemary
1 teaspoon chopped thyme
dash of ground cloves
2 can diced tomatoes, undrained
1 bay leaf (didn't use it)
egg noodles
1. Preheat oven 350 (I used a crock pot)
2. Heat oil in pan and add garlic, cook for 5 minutes
3. Remove garlic from pan and increase heat
4. Add beef to the pan and season with salt and pepper and cook until brown on sides
5. Remove beef from pan and then add the wine to the pan and bring to boil
6. Scrape pan to remove browned bits and then add garlic, beef, salt, pepper, carrot, and next 8 ingredients and bring to boil.
7. If you choose to bake then bake at 300 for 2 1/2 hours or until beef is tender.
8. If using crock pot put everything that is in the pan into the slow cooker and cook for however long you want. The longer you cook, the tender the meat. I cooked mine on high for 3 hours and then on low for another 3. The book says that you can cook it on high for 5 hours and it will be complete!
Serve over cooked egg noodles and enjoy!

I hope you guys love this recipe as much as my family and I did. It will definitely be made over and over again in the Hart house! Love you all :)
I'm back....
So after a pretty long hiatus, I have decided to return to the blog. I do not have too many followers but the ones I have are loyal and I thank you all. I didn't realize that people actually read this thing! It is just nice to have somewhere to record the crazy thoughts that run through my head on a daily basis. So thank you all for wondering where I have been, I definitely feel the love.
So lets see....the last time I posted was, wow, back in June! Over two months of no writing and you would think that I would have a crap load of information to share but sadly, no.
Things have been pretty boring around the Hart house. Since finding out I was pregnant the sickness has ruled our lives! I basically determine my daily activities on how I feel at that particular moment. Even though now my sickness is definitely decreasing the heat is taking its place! I cant win!
So the past few months I have been stuck in the house with an occasional visit to the backyard. But I must say with all this time inside I have still been baking and cooking like a mad woman :) The other day I whipped up a batch of homemade lemon-scented blueberry cupcakes with cream cheese icing and let me just say, YUM! Not to toot my own horn but they were pretty fantabulous! So I thought that I would share this amazing recipe with you. Here you go:
1 1/2 cups flour
10 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 cup melted butter
1 large egg
1/2 cup low- fat buttermilk
1/2 cup of reduced- fat milk
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
3/4 cup fresh or frozen blueberries, thawed.
1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Mix together the flour, sugar, and next three ingredients in a large bowl.
3. Combine melted butter and large in another bowl and stir with whisk.
4. Add buttermilk, milk, and teaspoon lemon rind to butter mixtures and whisk.
5. Add buttermilk mixture to lour mixture, stirring just until moist and then toss in the blueberries.
6. Spoon batter into muffin cups and bake at 350 for about 25 minutes.
Frosting ingredients:
1/4 cup less-fat cream cheese, softened
2 tablespoons butter, softened
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
Fresh blueberries
1. Place cream cheese and next 4 ingredients in a bowl and beat with mixer until blended.
2. Gradually add powdered sugar and then stir in lemon juice.
3. Spread frosting over cooled cupcakes and garnish with blueberries if desired.
So lets see....the last time I posted was, wow, back in June! Over two months of no writing and you would think that I would have a crap load of information to share but sadly, no.
Things have been pretty boring around the Hart house. Since finding out I was pregnant the sickness has ruled our lives! I basically determine my daily activities on how I feel at that particular moment. Even though now my sickness is definitely decreasing the heat is taking its place! I cant win!
So the past few months I have been stuck in the house with an occasional visit to the backyard. But I must say with all this time inside I have still been baking and cooking like a mad woman :) The other day I whipped up a batch of homemade lemon-scented blueberry cupcakes with cream cheese icing and let me just say, YUM! Not to toot my own horn but they were pretty fantabulous! So I thought that I would share this amazing recipe with you. Here you go:
1 1/2 cups flour
10 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 cup melted butter
1 large egg
1/2 cup low- fat buttermilk
1/2 cup of reduced- fat milk
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
3/4 cup fresh or frozen blueberries, thawed.
1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Mix together the flour, sugar, and next three ingredients in a large bowl.
3. Combine melted butter and large in another bowl and stir with whisk.
4. Add buttermilk, milk, and teaspoon lemon rind to butter mixtures and whisk.
5. Add buttermilk mixture to lour mixture, stirring just until moist and then toss in the blueberries.
6. Spoon batter into muffin cups and bake at 350 for about 25 minutes.
Frosting ingredients:
1/4 cup less-fat cream cheese, softened
2 tablespoons butter, softened
1 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
Fresh blueberries
1. Place cream cheese and next 4 ingredients in a bowl and beat with mixer until blended.
2. Gradually add powdered sugar and then stir in lemon juice.
3. Spread frosting over cooled cupcakes and garnish with blueberries if desired.
Backseat Blog :)
Wow the blog has definitely taken a backseat since finding out I was pregnant! So many things have been running through my mind, but the last thing I want to do is get on the computer. Lord I even forgot to post my Friday funny!
Even though the hamster is running full speed up there in my noggin, I just cant seem to think straight! I guess I will blame it on the mommy + pregnant brain! And yes I am pulling the pregnant card and will do so for as long as I can!
So, sorry if the blog isn't running as smoothly as before. Once the reality of being pregnant kicks in, I will be back to my daily postings.
Hope you all have had a great weekend so far and go get some Jesus tomorrow!
Even though the hamster is running full speed up there in my noggin, I just cant seem to think straight! I guess I will blame it on the mommy + pregnant brain! And yes I am pulling the pregnant card and will do so for as long as I can!
So, sorry if the blog isn't running as smoothly as before. Once the reality of being pregnant kicks in, I will be back to my daily postings.
Hope you all have had a great weekend so far and go get some Jesus tomorrow!
On your mark, get set, pedal!
We have waited so long to have a place for our kids to play as well as a safe place to ride their bicycles. Well the wait is over! Our driveway and patio redo is complete! I am so excited to get to use it and I know Ty is so ready to get his bike out there and start pedaling. Here are the pics of the before, during, and after!!!

I cant wait until everything is dried and set. I will begin forming my flowerbed border next week and then the search for inexpensive patio furniture is on!!
I will post final pictures soon after :)
I cant wait until everything is dried and set. I will begin forming my flowerbed border next week and then the search for inexpensive patio furniture is on!!
I will post final pictures soon after :)
Friday Funny!
Its that time of the week again: Friday Funny! Hope you all enjoy this video. Who doesnt love to hear a baby laugh?
BBQ Challenge!

I am a meat lover! Give me a big, juicy steak and you will make me one happy girl but I also will take a thick BBQ sandwich as well! Unlike my husband who only likes one type of BBQ, I will take it anyway! I decided to try and find a homemade recipe. I searched and searched and finally found one in my "Fix-It and Forget-It Cookbook."
I have never even dreamed of trying to make it from scratch but I love a challenge and will try almost anything. So here are the ingredients:
3 cups chopped celery
1 cup chopped onions
1 cup of ketchup
1 cup BBQ sauce
1 cup of water
2 tbsp. vinegar
2 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
2 tbsp. brown sugar
1 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
3-4 lb boneless chuck roast
Combine all ingredients in the crock pot, except the roast. Once mixed well then add roast. Cover and cook on high for 6-7 hours.
Remove roast and let cool. Shred meat and return to crock pot and heat well.
Now I cant say right at this moment how well this will taste but I promise to let you all know how well it comes out!
Beach fun!

Who knew that finding the perfect gift for teachers would be so hard. Well this is the first time that I have had to experience this difficult task. Finding the perfect gift has been on my mind nonstop.
I wanted to get Ty's teachers something different, something that would make them smile and really understand how my I appreciate everything they have done over the entire school year, but I also didn't want to spend too much money!
So after contemplating for several weeks I thought about putting together a beach bag for both of Ty's teachers. Since Ty has two teachers you may think it would be expensive, but thanks to Targets "dollar" section, it was just the opposite!
Since this was my first go at this I thought that it was a pretty cool idea so I followed through with it. Since the summer was quickly approaching, I figured it would definitely put a smiles on their faces.
Here is the list of everything I bought and the prices:
Beach Bag: $2.50
Beach towel: $2.50
Sunscreen: $7.99
Aloe: $2.50
Insulated water bottle: $4.99
So for just over $40 I was able to get gifts for both of Ty's teachers. Not too bad!!!
What this day really is about....
As I sit in the back seat of my friends Durango and pass cookout after cookout, I can't help but think about what this day really means. It is so much more than a reason to cookout or to get a day off work. This day holds such meaning and it seems that most of America has forgotten about that. We are able to cook out and hang with family on this day because of what our military has done and is still doing.
I am so very proud to be an American and stand by our troops past and present who have fought and are still fighting for what they believe is right. I hope you all take a second to get down on your knees and say a prayer for all of those who have lost their lives and for the ones that are risking their lives for our freedom.
I am so very proud to be an American and stand by our troops past and present who have fought and are still fighting for what they believe is right. I hope you all take a second to get down on your knees and say a prayer for all of those who have lost their lives and for the ones that are risking their lives for our freedom.
First Friday Funny!
So wow two posts in one day! I must be super woman! Not really but I figured that I will start something new on Fridays. So you all know about the Sunday Funnies that are in your local Sunday morning paper. Well I have decided to have a Friday Funny! I get hilarious videos sent to me all the time and usually I just keep them to myself, not anymore folks! I am going to start sharing them with you! So here is the first one:
Discount Central!

So if you like saving money on new brakes for the car to eating out with the family, you need to try This website is amazing! There are so many places in Chesapeake that are linked up with this website and offer some great discounts to regular customers.
You also can get them to send you weekly emails on the specials that are running during that time. I love me some Mexican food so I signed up under Plaza Azteca. They send me text messages that include coupons for my next visit. All I have to do is show my text!
You also can get them to send you weekly emails on the specials that are running during that time. I love me some Mexican food so I signed up under Plaza Azteca. They send me text messages that include coupons for my next visit. All I have to do is show my text!
Hope you all enjoy!
Card making gone wild!
Getting my love's first care package together is becoming a bit emotional. I didn't think that it would be this way but I hate that he cant be home for Father's Day. So I decided to make this day as special as it can be for him.
I am not the craftiest momma around, but I let the babies go wild as they made their own special Father's Day cards. It is amazing how different my babies are. Ty's card was neat and precise and Emma just went crazy! It totally fits their personality and I am sure Anthony will see that as well.
I decided to make him some yummy dessert! So I picked out German chocolate snack cakes. I have never made these before but I have a feeling Anthony will love them. Since the food on the ship isn't the greatest, I thought that making him something delicious would put a smile on his face.
Here is the recipe if anyone would like to try them. They are super easy!
1/2 chopped pecans
1 package of German chocolate cake mix
4 large eggs, divided
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 (16-oz) package powdered sugar
1 (8-oz) package cream cheese, softened
1. preheat oven to 350. Arrange chopped pecans in a single layer in a shallow pan.
2. Bake 5 to 7 minutes or until toasted and fragrant.
3. Reduce oven temperature to 300.
4. Stir together the cake mix, 1 egg, butter, and toasted pecans; press mixture into bottom of lightly greased 13-x-9-inch pan.
5. Beat sugar, cream cheese, and remaining three eggs at medium speed with an electric mixer until smooth.
6. Pour powdered sugar mixture over batter in pan and spread to the edges.
7. Bake at 300 for an hour. Let cool 1 hour or until completely cool.
8. Cut cake into 2 1/2 to 3-inch squares.
And that's it! Hope you all enjoy! God Bless!
Getting my love's first care package together is becoming a bit emotional. I didn't think that it would be this way but I hate that he cant be home for Father's Day. So I decided to make this day as special as it can be for him.
I am not the craftiest momma around, but I let the babies go wild as they made their own special Father's Day cards. It is amazing how different my babies are. Ty's card was neat and precise and Emma just went crazy! It totally fits their personality and I am sure Anthony will see that as well.
I decided to make him some yummy dessert! So I picked out German chocolate snack cakes. I have never made these before but I have a feeling Anthony will love them. Since the food on the ship isn't the greatest, I thought that making him something delicious would put a smile on his face.
Here is the recipe if anyone would like to try them. They are super easy!
1/2 chopped pecans
1 package of German chocolate cake mix
4 large eggs, divided
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 (16-oz) package powdered sugar
1 (8-oz) package cream cheese, softened
1. preheat oven to 350. Arrange chopped pecans in a single layer in a shallow pan.
2. Bake 5 to 7 minutes or until toasted and fragrant.
3. Reduce oven temperature to 300.
4. Stir together the cake mix, 1 egg, butter, and toasted pecans; press mixture into bottom of lightly greased 13-x-9-inch pan.
5. Beat sugar, cream cheese, and remaining three eggs at medium speed with an electric mixer until smooth.
6. Pour powdered sugar mixture over batter in pan and spread to the edges.
7. Bake at 300 for an hour. Let cool 1 hour or until completely cool.
8. Cut cake into 2 1/2 to 3-inch squares.
And that's it! Hope you all enjoy! God Bless!
Movie renting heaven!
Okay so I am sure most of you know about Redbox and how awesome it is but there is so much more about this wonderful red movie making machine.
Did you know that you can go online and create an account? Well you can and it also gives you the choice to check certain locations to see if they have the movie you want even before getting in your car. You can also check it out online and it holds it for you for 24 hours. You say thats awesome well I have something even sweeter.
Wait for it...
Wait for it...
Sign up to get a free movie every Monday. Thats right I said free! They will send a text to your phone with a code that you can put in at the machine and then there is no charge. I know, pretty cool :)
Also for my fellow iphone lovers: there is an Redbox app! Yes you heard me correctly and it is free! Can Redbox get any cooler, I think not! Just install it on your phone, pick the movie you want, and then click find! You can also place it on hold from the application.
Your welcome!
Did you know that you can go online and create an account? Well you can and it also gives you the choice to check certain locations to see if they have the movie you want even before getting in your car. You can also check it out online and it holds it for you for 24 hours. You say thats awesome well I have something even sweeter.
Wait for it...
Wait for it...
Sign up to get a free movie every Monday. Thats right I said free! They will send a text to your phone with a code that you can put in at the machine and then there is no charge. I know, pretty cool :)
Also for my fellow iphone lovers: there is an Redbox app! Yes you heard me correctly and it is free! Can Redbox get any cooler, I think not! Just install it on your phone, pick the movie you want, and then click find! You can also place it on hold from the application.
Your welcome!
Bring it on!
Okay so here goes my first do-it-yourself project for the summer: wallpaper! I have never even thought about trying it but you know what, I am going to dive in and take that risk.
No floral design here! Damask all the way baby! You say daring, I say bring it on! I have been thinking about it for a while and decided now was the time. I am not doing an entire room but just an accent wall. Here is the desired wall:

The other walls in my den are a light tan and I figured that picking out a damask design with some tan and white, it would blend extremely well. You have no idea how many patterns of damask one can choose from! I may stick with this or change my mind twenty times before beginning.
So one might ask, including myself, how do you actually apply wallpaper. Well I have done a lot of research on the web and found a website called, Just type in "how to apply wallpaper" and the answers are there.
Personally I would like to find someone that has some experience instead of taking some one's word over the web. Wallpaper is expensive people and I would like to get it on the first try.
So there you have it! My first summer project is about to get underway. Hopefully I can begin the prep work next week. So here is the question: any takers on helping this momma out? There is just one prerequisite, somewhat experienced in wallpaper hanging!
Payment will be a home cooked meal and dessert. So hard to resist, don't all jump up at once :)
No floral design here! Damask all the way baby! You say daring, I say bring it on! I have been thinking about it for a while and decided now was the time. I am not doing an entire room but just an accent wall. Here is the desired wall:
I love the orange but would really love a wall that is more functional. In functional I mean a wall that is less bold and one that has more neutral colors. That way when the time comes to change up some pillows on the couch, I am not stuck with picking out reds, greens or oranges. Okay so here is a damask print that I thinking about using:

The other walls in my den are a light tan and I figured that picking out a damask design with some tan and white, it would blend extremely well. You have no idea how many patterns of damask one can choose from! I may stick with this or change my mind twenty times before beginning.
So one might ask, including myself, how do you actually apply wallpaper. Well I have done a lot of research on the web and found a website called, Just type in "how to apply wallpaper" and the answers are there.
Personally I would like to find someone that has some experience instead of taking some one's word over the web. Wallpaper is expensive people and I would like to get it on the first try.
So there you have it! My first summer project is about to get underway. Hopefully I can begin the prep work next week. So here is the question: any takers on helping this momma out? There is just one prerequisite, somewhat experienced in wallpaper hanging!
Payment will be a home cooked meal and dessert. So hard to resist, don't all jump up at once :)
Jewel Amongst the Rubble!
I must spill the beans on a recent amazing purchase from Craigslist. I am telling you, if you have never even thought about craigslist then you are missing out on an amazing website. First if you are reading and you ask, "What is Craigslist," well I am here to fill you!
Craigslist is a website where people from all over the United States sell their used personal items, such as strollers, clothes, toys, etc... When you go to the website just click on your city and then search your desired item and then poof, all the locals that are selling that specific item pop up!
I have bought and sold things on craigslist before but my purchase yesterday just sealed the deal! I have been searching for a side-by-side double stroller for forever! I have been stalking the craiglist double stroller section for a few months and yesterday I came upon a jewel amongst the rubble, a barely used peg-perego twin stroller! Of those who know a thing or two about strollers, you know this brand is top of the line and extremely expensive. We would have had to put a second mortgage down on the house to afford a brand new one!
Well I must say I am like a five year old at Christmas. I just cant wait to test it out! I think a trip to Target and Lowes will have to be on the agenda today just for the heck of it!
Here is a link to a brand new one! And mind you the price online is considered a sale price! Crazy I know. Oh and did I mentioned I scored this pretty for only $60! I know its okay, you can be jealous :)
Craigslist is a website where people from all over the United States sell their used personal items, such as strollers, clothes, toys, etc... When you go to the website just click on your city and then search your desired item and then poof, all the locals that are selling that specific item pop up!
I have bought and sold things on craigslist before but my purchase yesterday just sealed the deal! I have been searching for a side-by-side double stroller for forever! I have been stalking the craiglist double stroller section for a few months and yesterday I came upon a jewel amongst the rubble, a barely used peg-perego twin stroller! Of those who know a thing or two about strollers, you know this brand is top of the line and extremely expensive. We would have had to put a second mortgage down on the house to afford a brand new one!
Well I must say I am like a five year old at Christmas. I just cant wait to test it out! I think a trip to Target and Lowes will have to be on the agenda today just for the heck of it!
Here is a link to a brand new one! And mind you the price online is considered a sale price! Crazy I know. Oh and did I mentioned I scored this pretty for only $60! I know its okay, you can be jealous :)
I have a dream...
With my face red and eyes swollen I sit here and think about how much I miss my husband, but then I cant even begin to imagine how he is feeling right now. I only have one love taken away from me, but he is taken away from everything that he loves. How completely unfair. Yes I know, it pays the bills but you don't really begin to know how to appreciate our service men and women until you come face to face with their cruel reality. A reality where nothing is certain, where one day you are told one thing and the complete opposite happens the next.
To think about my life, I shudder to think how easy it really is. The sacrifices that my husband makes so that his babies and I can have an amazing life. Now granted we are no where near rich but we are beyond wealthy in love and happiness. I have the life that most people dream of and I thank God and my husband every day.
My love for my husband is totally real and amazing. I cant help but smile to know that I have the privilege to spend the rest of my life here on Earth with such a wonderful, honest, loving, man of God. Not many can say they have found their soul mate, but I know, with out doubt, that I have mine and I am crazy in love him...
To think about my life, I shudder to think how easy it really is. The sacrifices that my husband makes so that his babies and I can have an amazing life. Now granted we are no where near rich but we are beyond wealthy in love and happiness. I have the life that most people dream of and I thank God and my husband every day.
My love for my husband is totally real and amazing. I cant help but smile to know that I have the privilege to spend the rest of my life here on Earth with such a wonderful, honest, loving, man of God. Not many can say they have found their soul mate, but I know, with out doubt, that I have mine and I am crazy in love him...
Adventures into Dessert Land
Okay so here are a few dessert recipes so many of you have been asking for. So my husband loves loves loves coconut cream pie, pecan pie and most of all carrot cake. So I decided instead of using the box mix, I will venture out and make them from scratch. So first of all I am a cooker, not a baker. So when these three desserts came out at almost perfection, it has increased my desire to make more desserts from scratch! So here are my husband's top three dessert choices!
1. Coconut Cream Pie
1 (15-oz) package refrigerated piecrusts, divided
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
2 cups half-and-half
4 egg yolks
3 tbsp. butter
1 cup sweetened flaked coconut
2 1/2 tsp. vanilla, divided
2 cups whipping cream
1/3 cup sugar
Garnish: toasted coconut
1. Preheat oven to 425. Fit one pie crust into a 9-inch pieplate. Prick bottoms and sides with a fork.
2. Bake at 425 for 12 to 15 minutes or until lightly browned.
3. Combine 1/2 sugar and cornstarch in a heavy saucepan. Whisk together half-and-half and egg yolks and then gradually whisk egg mixture into the sugar mixture.
4. Bring to boil over medium heat, whisking constantly. Boil for 1 minute and then remove from heat.
5. Stir in the butter, coconut, and 1 tsp. vanilla. Place plastic wrap directly on warm custard. This prevents a film from forming. Then let is stand for 30 minutes.
6. Remove plastic wrap and then spoon custard mixture into prepared piecrust. Cover and chill for 30 minutes or until set.
7. Beat whipping cream at high speed with electric mixer until foamy. Gradually add 1/3 cup sugar and remaining 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla, beating until a peak forms.
8. Spread whipped cream over pie filling and garnish with toasted coconut if desired.
2. Pecan Pie
1 cup chopped pecans
1 (15-oz) packaged refrigerated piecrusts divided
1 large egg, lightly beaten
28 carmels (easy find in the candy aisle)
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. salt
1. Preheat oven to 350. Arrange the pecans in a shallow pan and bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until fragrant. Remove when done and increase oven temperature to 425.
2. Fit pie crust into a 9-inch pie plate, prick sides and bottom with fork and bake at 6 to 8 minutes or until very lightly browned. Remove and let cool. Reduce oven temperature to 400.
3. Combine carmels, butter, and 1/4 cup water in a large saucepan over medium heat. Stir constantly until carmels and butter are melted; remove from heat.
4. Stir together sugar and next three ingredients. Stir into carmel mixture until well blended. Stir in pecans and then pour into cooled piecrust.
5. Bake at 400 for 10 minutes and then reduce heat to 350 and bake for another 20 minutes. You can cover the piecrust edges to prevent too much browning.
6. Let cool for an hour before serving!
3. Carrot Cake:
Cake Ingredients:
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/3 cups sugar
1/2 cup sweetened flaked coconut
1/3 cup chopped pecans
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
3 tbsp. canola oil
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
2 cups grated carrot
1 1/2 cups drained crushed pineapple, drained
cooking spray
Frosting Ingredients:
2 tbsp. butter, soften
1 (8-oz) block less-fat cream cheese, soften
3 cups powdered sugar
2 tsp. vanilla extract
Directions for cake:
1. Preheat oven to 350
2. To prepare the cake lightly spoon flour into measuring cups and level with a knife. Combine flour and the next 6 ingredients in a large bowl, stir well with a whisk.
3. Combine oil and eggs, stir well. Stir egg mixture, 2 cups of carrots, and pineapple into the flour mixture.
4. Spoon batter into a 13x9-inch baking pan coated with cooking spray. Bake at 350 for 35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool completely.
Directions for frosting:
1. Combine butter and cream cheese in a large bowl. Beat with a mixture at medium speed until smooth.
2. Beat in powdered sugar and vanilla just until smooth. Spread frosting over top of cake.
I hope that you all enjoy these recipes. I found that baking is not as hard as I thought it was. During my husband's deployment I am going to bake certain things and send them out to him. I will post my dessert making adventures and hope you all have fun reading them.
1. Coconut Cream Pie
1 (15-oz) package refrigerated piecrusts, divided
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
2 cups half-and-half
4 egg yolks
3 tbsp. butter
1 cup sweetened flaked coconut
2 1/2 tsp. vanilla, divided
2 cups whipping cream
1/3 cup sugar
Garnish: toasted coconut
1. Preheat oven to 425. Fit one pie crust into a 9-inch pieplate. Prick bottoms and sides with a fork.
2. Bake at 425 for 12 to 15 minutes or until lightly browned.
3. Combine 1/2 sugar and cornstarch in a heavy saucepan. Whisk together half-and-half and egg yolks and then gradually whisk egg mixture into the sugar mixture.
4. Bring to boil over medium heat, whisking constantly. Boil for 1 minute and then remove from heat.
5. Stir in the butter, coconut, and 1 tsp. vanilla. Place plastic wrap directly on warm custard. This prevents a film from forming. Then let is stand for 30 minutes.
6. Remove plastic wrap and then spoon custard mixture into prepared piecrust. Cover and chill for 30 minutes or until set.
7. Beat whipping cream at high speed with electric mixer until foamy. Gradually add 1/3 cup sugar and remaining 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla, beating until a peak forms.
8. Spread whipped cream over pie filling and garnish with toasted coconut if desired.
2. Pecan Pie
1 cup chopped pecans
1 (15-oz) packaged refrigerated piecrusts divided
1 large egg, lightly beaten
28 carmels (easy find in the candy aisle)
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. salt
1. Preheat oven to 350. Arrange the pecans in a shallow pan and bake for 8 to 10 minutes or until fragrant. Remove when done and increase oven temperature to 425.
2. Fit pie crust into a 9-inch pie plate, prick sides and bottom with fork and bake at 6 to 8 minutes or until very lightly browned. Remove and let cool. Reduce oven temperature to 400.
3. Combine carmels, butter, and 1/4 cup water in a large saucepan over medium heat. Stir constantly until carmels and butter are melted; remove from heat.
4. Stir together sugar and next three ingredients. Stir into carmel mixture until well blended. Stir in pecans and then pour into cooled piecrust.
5. Bake at 400 for 10 minutes and then reduce heat to 350 and bake for another 20 minutes. You can cover the piecrust edges to prevent too much browning.
6. Let cool for an hour before serving!
3. Carrot Cake:
Cake Ingredients:
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/3 cups sugar
1/2 cup sweetened flaked coconut
1/3 cup chopped pecans
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
3 tbsp. canola oil
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
2 cups grated carrot
1 1/2 cups drained crushed pineapple, drained
cooking spray
Frosting Ingredients:
2 tbsp. butter, soften
1 (8-oz) block less-fat cream cheese, soften
3 cups powdered sugar
2 tsp. vanilla extract
Directions for cake:
1. Preheat oven to 350
2. To prepare the cake lightly spoon flour into measuring cups and level with a knife. Combine flour and the next 6 ingredients in a large bowl, stir well with a whisk.
3. Combine oil and eggs, stir well. Stir egg mixture, 2 cups of carrots, and pineapple into the flour mixture.
4. Spoon batter into a 13x9-inch baking pan coated with cooking spray. Bake at 350 for 35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool completely.
Directions for frosting:
1. Combine butter and cream cheese in a large bowl. Beat with a mixture at medium speed until smooth.
2. Beat in powdered sugar and vanilla just until smooth. Spread frosting over top of cake.
I hope that you all enjoy these recipes. I found that baking is not as hard as I thought it was. During my husband's deployment I am going to bake certain things and send them out to him. I will post my dessert making adventures and hope you all have fun reading them.
Milestones are set in place...
Where to begin....
So many things are running through my mind right now. I just cant seem to kick this sick feeling in my stomach. I hate the days that lead up to this stupid cruise. I know it sounds bad but I just wish he would leave and we could get this thing going. He hasn't even left yet and I am already counting down the days until he gets back.
But you know, as I sit here and complain, I just cant imagine what he is going through at this moment. Yes, my other half is leaving me but he is leaving everyone especially his babies. I cant even begin to imagine what that feels like.
All I can keep thinking about is establishing some milestones. Once I get those in place, I can have certain things to look forward to. I plan to have at least one a month and that should help time pass by a bit quicker.
I have compiled a list of them so here are a few:
1. A girls weekend in Ocean City Maryland at the end of this month
2. Starting the kitchen redo in June
3. Going to visit the best in laws in the world for the entire month of July
4. August I start my student teaching which goes through December
I know that doesn't seem like a lot but to me they are the little things that will help this time go by a quick as it possibly can.
So many things are running through my mind right now. I just cant seem to kick this sick feeling in my stomach. I hate the days that lead up to this stupid cruise. I know it sounds bad but I just wish he would leave and we could get this thing going. He hasn't even left yet and I am already counting down the days until he gets back.
But you know, as I sit here and complain, I just cant imagine what he is going through at this moment. Yes, my other half is leaving me but he is leaving everyone especially his babies. I cant even begin to imagine what that feels like.
All I can keep thinking about is establishing some milestones. Once I get those in place, I can have certain things to look forward to. I plan to have at least one a month and that should help time pass by a bit quicker.
I have compiled a list of them so here are a few:
1. A girls weekend in Ocean City Maryland at the end of this month
2. Starting the kitchen redo in June
3. Going to visit the best in laws in the world for the entire month of July
4. August I start my student teaching which goes through December
I know that doesn't seem like a lot but to me they are the little things that will help this time go by a quick as it possibly can.
Help Wanted!
Okay, so the time is quickly approaching to when my other half leaves for seven months. I still cannot believe that it is here already. Where does the time go? It seems just like yesterday that he returned from his last one and then finding out we were pregnant with our second. I am seriously dreading this one more than the last.
There just seems to be a list that never ends on things that need to get done. I hate have a "honey" do to list, but there are somethings that I cannot do. I know that he has no problem doing them but I just hate him spending his last couple of days helping out when he should be relaxing and enjoying his babies before he leaves. Ok, off that crying now for me!
Being a single parent with one child is definitely a lot easier than with two. Plus my little man is old enough to realize that his daddy will not be home for quite some time, so here is me asking for help. If anyone has any ideas on how to make time pass by smoothly and quickly for my little man, please let me know. Emma will have no clue what it going on so no worries there but I am so nervous on how Ty will handle this. It will break my heart when he asks every morning, "mommy, will daddy be home when I get up from my nap?" I mean, come on!!! How can my heart not break when hearing that sweet little voice ask for his daddy. I am just lost at what to do. Please help!
There just seems to be a list that never ends on things that need to get done. I hate have a "honey" do to list, but there are somethings that I cannot do. I know that he has no problem doing them but I just hate him spending his last couple of days helping out when he should be relaxing and enjoying his babies before he leaves. Ok, off that crying now for me!
Being a single parent with one child is definitely a lot easier than with two. Plus my little man is old enough to realize that his daddy will not be home for quite some time, so here is me asking for help. If anyone has any ideas on how to make time pass by smoothly and quickly for my little man, please let me know. Emma will have no clue what it going on so no worries there but I am so nervous on how Ty will handle this. It will break my heart when he asks every morning, "mommy, will daddy be home when I get up from my nap?" I mean, come on!!! How can my heart not break when hearing that sweet little voice ask for his daddy. I am just lost at what to do. Please help!
Crazies on the Loose in Disney!
In April we took a family trip to Disney with Anthony's parents. That trip was very much needed and was so much fun. Although at times it was pretty hectic, but isn't Disney always? Parents running around like crazies while chasing their children throughout the park is normal everyday activity there.
OK here is one rant that I will go on. It wont take long, I promise.
So I would like to know who came up with a leash, not a dog leash but a kid leash? You can church it up all you want people, but when you have a teddy bear backpack and then there is a piece of fabric attached to the back that is about 5 feet long, ummmm that's a leash.
I cant count how many times I saw some poor kid experiencing whiplash because they would run but the parent stood still.
They make strollers for a reason. Well you say, "my kid wont sit in a stroller." So ummm you think they are going to stand still with a leash on. Its called discipline. Sit the kid down, strap them in and tell them not to get up.
Ugh...sorry for that! It just makes me so mad. Had to get it off my chest!
Other than that, Disney was amazing! Both my babies had an amazing time. It will probably be another few years before we adventure back, but it will definitely be something we do over again.
OK here is one rant that I will go on. It wont take long, I promise.
So I would like to know who came up with a leash, not a dog leash but a kid leash? You can church it up all you want people, but when you have a teddy bear backpack and then there is a piece of fabric attached to the back that is about 5 feet long, ummmm that's a leash.
I cant count how many times I saw some poor kid experiencing whiplash because they would run but the parent stood still.
They make strollers for a reason. Well you say, "my kid wont sit in a stroller." So ummm you think they are going to stand still with a leash on. Its called discipline. Sit the kid down, strap them in and tell them not to get up.
Ugh...sorry for that! It just makes me so mad. Had to get it off my chest!
Other than that, Disney was amazing! Both my babies had an amazing time. It will probably be another few years before we adventure back, but it will definitely be something we do over again.
Is there a fish heaven?
Who knew that I could get so attached to a little fish that we have had less than 24 hours.
Last night we took Ty to Petsmart to pick out his very first fish. He did an excellent job and chose a cute little blue female beta. I could not have chosen better!
So when we get home Anthony and I made sure to follow each step of the directions carefully because we did not want to send this little fishy to fish heaven on its first night in the Hart house. I promise that we followed each step precisely and cleaned and added the necessary solution so that the tap water would be OK for the little gal.
Well as we got up this morning things weren't looking too hot. She isn't floating but she isn't moving either. She is just kinda lying on the bottom of the tank and has been that way all morning.
So as I am writing this, I decided to check on the newest addition to the Hart family. Good news!!! She is alive and eating! I am so excited right now. Is that weird to be so happy for one little fish? Well I am and I hope she lives for quite some time!
Last night we took Ty to Petsmart to pick out his very first fish. He did an excellent job and chose a cute little blue female beta. I could not have chosen better!
So when we get home Anthony and I made sure to follow each step of the directions carefully because we did not want to send this little fishy to fish heaven on its first night in the Hart house. I promise that we followed each step precisely and cleaned and added the necessary solution so that the tap water would be OK for the little gal.
Well as we got up this morning things weren't looking too hot. She isn't floating but she isn't moving either. She is just kinda lying on the bottom of the tank and has been that way all morning.
So as I am writing this, I decided to check on the newest addition to the Hart family. Good news!!! She is alive and eating! I am so excited right now. Is that weird to be so happy for one little fish? Well I am and I hope she lives for quite some time!
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Wow! Can you believe it? I still cant grasp that another is over and a new one is just beginning. My Nana always used to tell me that the older you get the faster time goes. Well as I get older I am beginning to agree with that statement more and more. It feels like yesterday that I was pregnant with Emma and here we are now and she will be one in just two months. It just doesn't seem right! My babies are growing up too fast. Before I know it they will be in middle school with pimples and writing love letters to their classmates.
I cant wait to start this new year and see what God has in store for us. Although my husband will be gone for eight months out of this new year, I will enjoy the time that I have with him and know that the Lord will return him safely to us!
I hope that you all will take the time to prioritize your life and realize that you are not in control, He is. Love you all and God Bless!
I cant wait to start this new year and see what God has in store for us. Although my husband will be gone for eight months out of this new year, I will enjoy the time that I have with him and know that the Lord will return him safely to us!
I hope that you all will take the time to prioritize your life and realize that you are not in control, He is. Love you all and God Bless!
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